Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walk for the Cure

What an excellent record time :-) 45 minutes for a 5k race.... Marco and I walked through a joyful crowd, trying ...only trying to run....which eventually happened after 2k. But who cares? In this event, the real purpose is to participate and to be there. It was a nice walk-run in the historical centre. 
Marco, Chie, Ilo,Mami
At the finish line, we met Mami and Chie who walked the whole track! Bravissime!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A "NEW" way of running?

It's 3 months now that Marco told me about that article.... which I finally and only read yesterday - what a waste of time, I mean really a waste of 3 months time - why did I not read it before? It is fantastic and its experience, its story and its claim is definitely to test!!! 
Here below the article (click the link)

The Once and Future Way to Run

Now... who wants to try first? 
Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run: is not available in Italian anymore, it is out of print, but it's available in English or in German.

Monday, February 27, 2012

No training but RUNNING..

26th of February  -  Roma Ostia...             

After nearly one year of no racing and several months without any training plan, I ran the Roma-Ostia Half Marathon. The bad news are.... (which is not really new...) that I did not train at all for this race, but the good news are, that I arrived in Ostia "sana&salva" after 2:21:40. This is very good news for me even though it took me a century to arrive in Ostia, the achievement is all I wanted in order to start from scratch afterwards with a serious program and restart running races and some "cute little marathon in Italy or in the world. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Heart In New York

"New York, looking down on Central Park, flying in from your door"

Proprio da Londra siamo arrivati per rivedere questa citta' mozzafiato e per correre LEI !!! Un podista raggiunge NY a Novembre per correre la maratona e lo fa perche' e' podista, perche' lei va corsa almeno una volta nella vita. ...

E quando stai li, 100m davanti al Ponte di Verrazzano capisci finalmente perche' - e' una sensazione unica - sei gia' arrivata prima di passare il traguardo, perche' tu stai correndo LA maratona.

...e l'alzarsi alle 4am per mangiare
qualcosa e per prendere il pulman alle per recarsi al porto alle 6 e stare a Staten Island alle 7 non pesa piu :-))))

Ho vissuto questa grande Mela in festa, I NewYorkesi che
incorraggiavano me ad altri 50mila podisti,
corridori e camminatori attraverso i 5 borroughs

Che intensa emozione accostare il Central Park, arrivare vicino
a Columbus Circle e avvistare Fabio e Manuela che erano li da
1 ora e mezzo infreddoliti che mi aspettavano e gioivano con me
perche' ce l'avevo fatta :-)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

22nd of March 2009, 15th Roma Marathon

Here we are again at the Maratona di Roma. Freezing but sunny Sunday morning, in this bellissimo panorama... the Eternal City of Rome. This year, I had planned to speed up my personal "record" and to finish the race in about 4:45...although I did not train enough ( I never train enough...) what a challenge!

So I started the race with this plan in my mind and in my feet, and right from the beginning I could define myself to be such a lucky person to have so very special friends like Marybeth and Bob, who were present during the whole race, who dedicated their whole sunday to me and my marathon run... tracing me through the entire City of Rome

cheering and rooting for me, appearing suddenly here and there in a square or around the corner giving me psychological support... AND IT HELPED A LOT!

Bob even RAN WITH ME!!!

Malgrado qualche ostacolo fisiologico =)

well, alla fine ce l'ho fatta!!!YEAH!!

With 04:47:42 through the finish line

Also my manager was satisfied with my time! =)))

and I could share my joy with my friends!

Monday, March 17, 2008

16th March '08 - Maratona della città di Roma

Yesterday I ran my first Rome Marathon... it has been 5 years that I tried to participate in this race, but I never could, because of timing, sickness, procrastinating...etc, so after the Berlin Marathon in September'05, I could run yesterday the race in MY city..... ROMA!

My real time was 05:10:40 at the finish line!

Without the psychological support from Fabio, Marybeth and Bob, I think, I would not have managed it - Marybeth and Bob were following my steps through the whole city and they were so amazing in encouraging me and accompanying me during this challenge.

Next year we all want to run or walk this beautiful race throught the Eternal City and ... who knows if somebody else feels like joining us?